Sunday, October 10, 2010

San Diego Weekend

I love to see the temple

and my granddaughter too.
Billy and Chelsea came up from Arizona for a wedding at the San Diego Temple.  They wanted us to come babysit outside while they were inside for about an hour.  Who travels three hours to babysit for one hour?  Grandparents DO!
We made our venture into a bigger weekend by coming up the night before and attending a session in the San Diego Temple ourselves. It was nice spending some time together.
We got to see Ryan and we'll get to see her some more with her parents later this week.  They are adding on a visit to Lancaster so they can see Tommy.  We're all looking forward to it.
"The temple is an ever-present reminder that God intends the family to be eternal. How fitting it is for mothers and fathers to point to the temple and say to their children, “That is the place where we were married for eternity.” By so doing, the ideal of temple marriage can be instilled within the minds and hearts of your children while very young."

1 comment:

  1. San Diego is our temple and I attended a 3 o'clock session that same day with my son! Would have been fun to run into you....but we were on our way to see our new little granddaughter in Carlsbad! You are right! I would travel 3 hours to babysit a grandchild too!
