Monday, May 30, 2011

"He Was Lost, and Is Found"

I got my feet wet Sunday.  It was my first time teaching Gospel Doctrine.  We covered the parables of "The Lost Sheep", "The Lost Coin", and "The Prodigal Son".  Everyone is precious in the sight of God.  He loves us all.  When we love like the Savior loves we become his true undershepherds.  We are then - off to the rescue!

Here are just part of the words of Hymn 221, "Dear to the Heart of the Shepherd," which I didn't share in the lesson, but definitely capsulizes the point:

Make us thy true undershepherds;
Give us a love that is deep
Send us out into the desert,
Seeking thy wandering sheep.

Out in the desert they wander,
Hungry and helpless and cold;
Off to the rescue we'll hasten,
Bringing them back to the fold.

Text:  Mary B. Wingate   Music:  William J. Kirkpatrick

"Ours is the responsibility to care for the flock, for the precious sheep, these tender lambs are everywhere to be found--at home in our families, in the homes of our extended families, and waiting for us in our Church callings.  Jesus is our Exemplar.  Said He, 'I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep' (John 10:14).  We have a shepherding responsibility.  May we each step up to serve." 

President Thomas S. Monson,
"Heavenly Homes, Forever Families"

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