Monday, July 11, 2011

An International Artist

At the yard sale, Lisa and I put out some of our art work. Surprisingly, it all went. Of course, the price was right! This one guy came by in a big truck making the garage sale rounds. He was buying all sorts of stuff. He said he was taking it down to his family in Mexico. Lisa was out among the customers working the crowd when he saw a bunch of our pictures and said with a voice of admiration, "Are these done by local artists?" Lisa, totally amused, quickly responded, "Why yes, they are!" He took them all and off to Mexico they went.

Some of the pictures I painted four years ago.
Lisa picked these out early in the day to keep for her home.
Or I should say, at least she'll keep them until the next garage sale.

There's no retirement for an artist,
it's your way of living so there's no end to it.
::: Henry Moore :::

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