Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Australia or BUST!

 My niece, Annie, and her family came by for a visit last week. It was nice seeing them even though it was for just a little bit. They saw Poppy too. They left on Tuesday for Australia. They reported all went well even with three kids in tow. I'd like to visit them. Wouldn't that be cool if I could go to Australia, but then I claimed I'd visit Rick and fam in Okinawa and didn't make it the three years they were there. Here's hoping and wishing the Spiels the BEST on an adventure of a lifetime.
The Spiels - off to Australia
They all left wearing BYU t-shirts.  I told their 5-year old son Ryan, "Someone is going to come up to you and say, 'Ya Mormon, mate?'"  They left prepared with pass-along cards too.  Can't wait to hear more updates on their doings.

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