Friday, December 5, 2014

A Silver Lining

 School Clip Art

I have had it hard lately.  "Busy" is the reality of my situation.  Consequently, I haven't worked much this school year.  November, I only went in one day, but I jumped back into December with a couple of days early in the month.  It was pouring down rain which can be incredibly miserable because it's then designated as inclement weather and the kids have to stay in class.

I had to go to several classrooms throughout the day because I was the resource teacher servicing kids who needed extra help, but I knew when I got to their classes I would run into a few teachers with the feeling of, "What do I do now?  These kids need a break!" I'm there to help and I boldly asked if they'd like me to do a few songs and maybe a story - a phoney recess so to speak or as one teacher has referred to me as "a vacation from the teacher".  Even the hardened 5th graders who wouldn't be caught dead doing such antics happily followed my lead.

Yeah! I came home and shouted, "I love it when people love Mrs. Blair!"  I needed that boost because I wasn't too motivated to work and I really ought to.  I'll do more in the new year.  School can be very hard on Mrs. Blair some days.  Happily, I had two great days in spite of stormy weather.  I found a silver lining in the darkest of clouds with a song.
"Those who wish to sing
will always find a song."
--Swedish Proverb

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