In spite of my postings, I’m quite hidden in THE BOOK OF MARTHA. That’s probably why my daughter-in-law, Chelsea, tagged me with the following questions. You just might learn something about me that you didn't know.
10 years ago?
Ricky (my oldest son) was away serving in the Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Mission and I was pregnant with Sam.
5 things on my to do list TODAY?
Always on the list -
*Scripture Study
*Exercise (except Sunday)
*Check on my parents
Now the question is do I get them done everyday and what’s the quality in which I do them? It depends on what else is on the list, even then, I always pray.
5 snacks I enjoy?
I won’t tell what snacks I ENJOY because I have NO business eating what I enjoy! I’m on the program!
What would I do if I was suddenly a billionaire?
Set myself up for life
Serve, donate to higher education and other worthy causes
Buy a vacation home on the beach
5 jobs I have had or have?
Food Service
Teacher Aid
Computer Operator
Piano Teacher
and more!
3 of my bad habits?
Not putting things back where they belong
Always in a hurry
Overbooking myself
5 places I have lived?
3 places -
Ontario, California (I was born in Pomona, CA, but was brought home to Ontario.)
Lancaster, California
(I moved here when I was 18 months old & I'm still here.)
Provo, Utah (I lived there approximately 1 1/2 years single & 2 years exactly, married.)
I'd like to live other places. It would be an adventure.
5 things people don’t know about me?
I’ve had plastic surgery.
I’ve graduated from Brigham Young University.
I like to sew, but I do it rarely and I’m not particularly good at it.
I’ve had 12 pregnancies. (It’s not cheaper by the dozen.)
I’m the most allergic person on the face of the planet.
" 'Life is good, if we live in such a way to make it so.' . . 'A good life' comes as a result of the way we do things, of the words we choose to say, and even of the kind of thoughts we choose to have. . .
". . . 'Wanting to' is the determining factor which leads us to lay hold upon the word of God and be happy. Perseverance in making correct decisions is what leads us to happiness."
I finally figured out how to leave comments so I have been doing so on everyone's blog this morning. I did learn a few things about you that I didn't know!