"I hoped they call me on a mission, and they did!"

Thursday, August 20, 2009

One Year Mark

Elder Blair is all about Texas.

And from what I hear . . .

the Texans are all about him.

Tommy is happily serving in the Lone Star State.

Today is his one year mark.


By Grace Gordon, alt.

Called to serve him,

heav’nly King of glory,

Chosen e’er to witness for his name,

Far and wide we tell the Father’s story,

Far and wide his love proclaim.

Onward, ever onward,

as we glory in his name;

Onward, ever onward

as we glory in his name;

Forward, pressing forward,
as a triumph song we sing.
God our strength will be;

press forward ever

Called to serve our King.
Listen to the Tabernacle Choir sing this favored song -
on my sidebar, just click the play arrow.

Elder Blair - Texas.


  1. The pictures match each line perfectly - especially the basketball - forward, pressing forward! So clever! What a lovely tribute to a great missionary!

  2. You're so good to me Tia Juana.

  3. That was awesome, I loved it. I can't believe its been a year. He is such a great young man, we love him!! Brenda

  4. Loved this post about your missionary! What a handsome young man! Texax is lucky to have him!

  5. Tommy is the MAN! Love that guy.
