I'm late getting this info out - Janna graduated! Also, about a month ago Janna received an award. It was the Outstanding Female Drama Student 2010. Here she is pictured with her drama teacher, Mr. Schmidt. She had drama all four years of high school and Mr. Schmidt was her teacher those four years. He was a big influence in her life and she feels she's a better person because of it.
The Indie crowd gathered once again for Janna's graduation
party a week before graduation. It was at the Burgess house. They supplied the place, we supplied the food, and Janna supplied the friends. What a combination. Everyone seemed to have an enjoyable time and it was a nice prelude into her last week of grad rehearsals, saying good-bye, and the big day.
party a week before graduation. It was at the Burgess house. They supplied the place, we supplied the food, and Janna supplied the friends. What a combination. Everyone seemed to have an enjoyable time and it was a nice prelude into her last week of grad rehearsals, saying good-bye, and the big day.
Janna threw her hat before anyone else and must have screamed the loudest, "I've GRADUATED!" We ended the evening as a family, out for dinner, talking. The senioritis is cured. Now it's time to move on to bigger and better things.
The BEST to you Janna!
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself
in any direction you choose.
You're on your own.
And you know what you know.
You are the guy who'll decide where to go.