"I hoped they call me on a mission, and they did!"

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

My Hero

"America needs heroes. You don't have to be larger than life to be a hero, just larger than yourself. I see heroes everyday--scout masters, primary teachers, missionaries, campaign volunteers, parents. I hope you will choose to be a hero because we need a lot more of them."

Mitt Romney
BYU Forum
November 18, 2014

Sister Jessica Lockhart
Brazil Sao Paulo West Mission
Rua Doutor Rui Batista Pereira, 165
Jardim Caxingui-Sao Paulo-SP
CEP: 05517-080

So late making this post, and even so, so proud of this girl - my niece, Jessica Lockhart - serving in Sao Paulo, Brazil as a missionary. Love reading her letters. She's an inspiration.  She's my roll model.  "I hope they call me on a mission . .  ." someday.

She's been out over a hear and will now be home in less than six months and then back to school. Check her out on the blog her mom (my sister) is keeping for her with all her letters and pics:  http://sisterjessicalockhart.blogspot.com/