A five year-old always lays it on the line. I subbed in a kindergarten class today. When the class was over I finished out my day in two other kindergarten classes helping other teachers. The class I subbed for knew I was filling in for their teacher, but in the other classes the kids weren't sure who I was. A little boy called out to me and said, "Are you someone's granny?" I quickly responded with, "I'm someone's granny, but not to anyone in this class. I'm just here to help today."
Did I help? Maybe when I was assisting the other teachers, but it was a rough go in my class as teacher today. I was definitely disappointed in how it went and I'm doing it tomorrow too. I hope it goes better. When they asked me to come back a second day I said, "Do you want me back?!" Yes they do, but I could have said, "NO!" I didn't because I figure if I go back to a class I'll get to know the kids better, get to know the routine better etc. We'll see. I pray for help everyday, but I'm really earnest on this one.
You know you're a teacher if . . .
You want to choke a person
when he or she says,
"Oh, you must have such fun every day.
This must be like playtime for you."
You know you're a teacher if . . .
You want to choke a person
when he or she says,
"Oh, you must have such fun every day.
This must be like playtime for you."
It probably went better than it seemed, but tomorrow will probably be better. Good luck!