I'm 60 years old on the 4th of July
Needless to say, it's time to lose weight.
I have almost gained back
everything I loss that first month
before I fell. Here's the stats:
January 1, 2013 250.8 lbs.
June 1, 2013 247.6 lbs.
July 1, 2013 249.4 lbs.
Gained back another 1.8 lbs.
Total Loss for the year 1.2 lbs
The one good thing I can say last month is I'm getting back into exercising. I'm making headway, but it's been very, very slow. Since I fell last February I haven't been very consistent with any physical activity. I'm getting stronger and feel like it's just going to take time. I took such a long break from exercise trying to recuperate. I also took a big break from working, but will hopefully get back into that starting the new school year in August. So I moved forward in the sense of exercise, but it wasn't much.
My scheduled physical for early June was cancelled. I haven't rescheduled because nothing was convenient, but hopefully I'll get something on the calendar after Janna leaves.
I also have a new saying I've incorporated into my eating decisions. I say this for other things, but I thought it applied to food too. "Just because you
can, doesn't mean you
should." I'm telling myself that as I try to control my eating challenges. It seems to help.
This month we'll have a vacation up on Thorley Mountain. The clear mountain air and surrounding should be invigorating. I'm hoping for a daily hike while I'm there and plenty of time to read the scriptures. There will be game playing, visiting, eating, and lots of fun no doubt. Looking forward to a big therapy session.
"Over every mountain
there is a path,
although it may not be seen
from the valley."