Snuggies for Christmas!

Family Pallbearers, La Verne Cemetery
La Verne, California

Dorothy McMullin Reynders
December 4, 2009

Sammy and other family members went on three hikes
during Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years.
Beautiful Weather!
Billy graduated with his Masters in Education from ASU.
December 17, 2009

Billy, Baby Ryan, and Chelsea
Here for Christmas from Arizona.

Cassie and her boys moved back to Lancaster.
They're living with their Poppy Reynders.

Cassie's Baby Dexter
Home and Well
Jeremiah's Birthday Celebration
“Cheers to a new year
and another chance
for us to get it right.”
Oprah Winfrey
School starts next week. Our holiday is coming to a close.
From our family, we wish you the BEST in 2010!
Your family is beautiful! I just recieved Billy and Chelsea's Christmas card this week. And, I didn't know your mom had passed. But, I imagine that's what these photos are. Looks like it was a beautiful ceremony. She was such as blessing in my life and especially my mom and dads. As was your dad, "Poppy". We have been so blessed by so many of you Reynder's/Blairs. Love you. :)