No matter what happens,
travel gives you a story to tell.
-- Jewish Proverb

Picked up by the grandkids at Pensacola Airport.
We haven't seen them since July 2010.
Evelyn and Will know who we are,
but you can see Eddie's thinking,
"Who are these people?"

The Reunion - Sam and Carson
"Reservations for 12, PLEASE!"
California Blair's, Floribama Blair's, and North Carolina Lockhart's
Hugh scouted out this restaurant with rave reviews.
We were not disappointed.

Dave, Carson, Beth, and Jessica
After a bazillion mile walk we made it from our car to the air show.
My sister and family joined us in celebrating
100 years of Naval Aviation

The Night Show

Saturday - Deep Sea Fishing Trip On The Gulf
Everyone came home a winner!
That night we had fish tacos and the next night more fish.

Will and Evelyn ready for the Primary Presentation
On Sunday, we watched Will and Evelyn participate with the other
Perdido Ward Primary kids,
singing and saying their parts:
"I Know the Scriptures Are True".
What a great trip! Cute grand kids -bet you hate not getting to see them more! Nice that Beth and her family got to come too!